MAGS Dues Information

Midwestern Association of Graduate Schools assesses dues on a sliding scale reflecting three levels of graduate headcount enrollment, as shown below. Headcount enrollment includes all graduate students except those in programs leading to the MD, PharmD, DVM, and JD. (In years past, a multi-year dues payment had been possible, but this has been eliminated.)

MAGS Membership Dues Schedule 
Graduate Headcount EnrollmentDues
4001 +$300

Each September, dues Notices are emailed to the voting member of each member institution by our service provider, UWLAX Graduate & Extended Learning.  Please note the following payment options:

  1. The main preference is to pay by credit card through UWLAX using the link in the dues email (big purple button) that takes you to the online payment system, also accessible here: MAGS Dues Payment Page at UW La Crosse.
  2. If you need a customized invoice, please reach out to UWLAX directly by replying to the dues email.
  3. If you need to pay by check, please download the generic MAGS Dues Invoice Form, make the check payable to MIDWESTERN ASSOCIATION OF GRADUATE SCHOOLS, and mail to:
    Midwestern Association of Graduate Schools
    P.O. Box 112
    Wauna, WA 98395
  4. The voting member will continue to receive reminders until payment is received.

If you have any questions, please contact the MAGS Secretary/Treasurer ([email protected]).  Thank you for your support of MAGS!